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Increasing efficiency in healthcare sector with NIMMSTA Smart Watch

Logistics in the healthcare sector is a central but often underestimated area that has a direct impact on the quality of patient care. Studies show that inefficient logistics processes not only hinder daily operations, but can also cause considerable costs. For example, a study by the Healthcare Financial Management Association found that up to 30% of operating costs in the healthcare sector can be attributed to inefficient logistics processes.


NIMMSTA Smart Watch in the Healthcare Sector

The challenges of healthcare logistics

In the healthcare sector, logistics encompasses far more than just the transportation of medicines and medical devices. It also extends to internal logistics - such as the provision of medicines, the organization of patient records and the provision of resources in the right place at the right time. Faulty or inefficient processes here can not only delay operations, but also jeopardize patient safety.

A study by McKinsey shows that hospitals can achieve an increase in efficiency of up to 25% by optimizing their logistics processes. At the same time, the use of modern technologies, such as wearables, can significantly reduce the error rate and administrative workload. Further studies show that inefficient processes and errors in the dispensing of medicines cause thousands of avoidable incidents every year.


The role of the NIMMSTA Smart Watch

Our smart watch, originally developed for intralogistics, also shows its full potential in the healthcare sector. It offers a wide range of functions that significantly simplify the day-to-day work of nurses, doctors and other medical staff while increasing efficiency. In the following, we would like to present some practical examples that show how the NIMMSTA Smart Watch can be put to good use in the healthcare sector.


1. Medication management

Medication administration is one of the most critical tasks in healthcare. According to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, up to 7,000 deaths occur annually in the US due to medication errors. Furthermore, results show that up to 12% of all medication administrations have errors that could be prevented through improved processes. With the NIMMSTA Smart Watch, nurses can make this process safer and more efficient. Thanks to the integrated barcode scanner, medication can be scanned directly at the patient's bedside and compared with the stored patient data. This ensures that the right medication is always administered at the right time - without unnecessary delays and with maximum accuracy.

2. Patient care in real time

Responding quickly to changes in patient status is crucial for the quality of care. A study by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence shows that a delay in responding to critical changes in patient parameters significantly increases the risk of negative health outcomes. With the NIMMSTA Smart Watch, caregivers receive instant notifications of such changes and can respond immediately. This enables more precise and faster patient care and improves the overall safety of care.

3. Efficient documentation

Documenting patient data is an indispensable part of day-to-day work in the healthcare sector, but can be very time-consuming. This is where the NIMMSTA Smart Watch shows another strength: with its e-ink touchscreen, nurses and doctors can enter and document important information directly without having to access other devices. This significantly reduces the administrative workload and creates more time for direct patient care. Research shows that digital documentation systems can reduce documentation time by up to 30%, leading to a significant improvement in workflows.

Conclusion: More efficiency, fewer errors, better patient care

Healthcare logistics is facing major challenges, but these can be overcome with the right technologies. The NIMMSTA Smart Watch not only optimizes work processes, but also increases accuracy and efficiency - creating more time for what really matters: the best possible patient care.

Interested in how our technology can revolutionize your healthcare processes? Contact us to find out more about how the NIMMSTA Smart Watch can be used in your facility.



  1. Healthcare Financial Management Association - Study on logistics costs in the healthcare sector.
  2. McKinsey & Company - Potential for increasing efficiency in healthcare logistics.
  3. Journal of the American Medical Association - Study on medication errors.
  4. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - Research on response times in patient care.
  5. British Medical Journal - Research on administrative tasks in healthcare.
  6. McKinsey & Company: Inefficient logistics processes and their costs in healthcare.